How to fix URLs where Twitter card incomplete

How to fix URLs where Twitter card incomplete

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Twitter card incomplete issue means that the page has incomplete microdata for creating a Twitter card.

The importance of the issue

The use of microdata for generating a twitter card helps to make a post in this social media as informative and attractive as possible. In its turn, this increases the user trust in the website and the number of clicks on your post. The absence of microdata for generating a twitter card causes the social media to try finalizing your post independently. Thus, your post might not look attractive enough.

How to check the issue

Using any browser is enough to check the issue. Open the source code of the flawed page To do this, click the right mouse button at any spot of the page and choose “browse the code” option, or apply an online tool. The source code must contain microdata for Twitter

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How to fix this issue

It is necessary to add microdata to the page template to have the card displayed.

You can check its correctness afterwards.

It is recommended to apply:

<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary”> – card type. Summary is used by default.

<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”content description”> – content description up to 200 symbols long.

<meta name=”twitter:title” content=”Post headline”> – the post headline up to 70 symbols long.

<meta name=”twitter:image” content=””> – a link to the image with an absolute path.

<meta name=”twitter:site” content=”@sitename”> – @username for the website.

Detect pages where Twitter card incomplete

Crawl the website to collect all pages that have incomplete Twitter cards

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