AMP is 4xx Not Found Issue

AMP is 4xx Not Found Issue
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The AMP is 4xx Not Found error notification lets the user know that the requested URL is an AMP page URL that was not found and gives an error code of 4xx.

What Does “AMP Is Not Found Issue” Mean?

Accelerated mobile pages are an open-source technology for mobile devices.

The use of AMP technology positively affects the site’s search engine ranking and the user experience of interacting with the site on which it is applied. At low network speeds, the user can browse the desired page much faster.

AMP Is Not Found Issue notifies that the requested page is unavailable.

You can see the full list of Google-specific AMP Issues. They are listed on this Google Search Console Help page:

What Triggers This Issue?

If the AMP page is inaccessible for some reason, an error message will appear for the URL if it gives a 404 (Not Found) error.

  • There are several reasons for this issue:
  • The user may have entered the URL with an error, and so the page is giving a 4xx code.
  • There was a failure in the URL during technical work on the site.
  • The webmaster deleted the page or moved it to the other URL.

How To Check The Issue?

Using the AMP Status Report tool provided by Google’s Help Center, you can check AMP issues. The same applies to AMP Is Not Found Issue. The Status Report tool is very useful for working with AMP pages wp because it allows the user to detect critical errors and hints on fixing them.

Analyze not only AMP page URL being not found (4XX) but the entire site!

Make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO in order to improve your SERP results.

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We suggest you watch a comprehensive video training by Daniel Waisberg to learn how to track all issues related to Accelerated mobile pages.

Why Is This Important?

AMP is 4xx Not Found Issue is considered a critical error that can negatively affect a site’s search engine ranking. If the 4xx Not Found response code is not detected and corrected in time, the site may lose a share of search traffic.

Make sure that accelerated mobile page URLs are available for indexing and give up the 2xх code.

How To Fix the Issue?

If you find the error “AMP Page URL is Not Found” while checking the site with the AMP Status Report tool, then you need to fix it quickly. Here’s a simple guide on how to do this.

  1. Make sure the tag aims to the correct AMP page.
  2. Check that the page returns an HTTP 2xx response code and is accessible to users and search engine robots.

The “Accelerated mobile pages URL is Not Found” error is critical, so you need to ensure your site has no such error.

Check Your Website for SEO Errors

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