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When you create a new website and add some content, you must add relevant, high-ranking keywords to every page to make your pages visible to a broader audience. High search volume keywords increase the number of impressions and brand awareness by bringing your page to higher positions in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

But how do you know what keywords to use and see if they’re the top-ranking ones? We’ll show you how to find queries that best match your niche and explain how to use our keyword search volume checker to get your business page to the top.

What is a Keyword Search Volume Checker?

It is a helpful estimator tool that shows detailed insights on the keywords associated with your website, as well as the ones you’re interested in.

While developing a project with us, you highlight the most relevant queries (keywords) or show them to us via Google Search Console. We gather all the data regarding those keywords’ volume and traffic, taking into account location, language, and other factors. Plus, we’ll also track the queries and show your website’s positions in terms of queries, trends, etc.

Keyword rank tracking with volume - overview
SERP details

How to Use Our Keyword Search Volume Checker?

Our tool can help significantly increase your website’s SEO rankings. Thanks to its functionality, you’ll get up-to-date stats on the top-ranking keywords and tips on which ones you should integrate on your site to make it pop.

Have a look at these 5 quick steps to see how it works:

Step 1. Insert your domain and start a free trial

To start working with our tool, enter your website’s domain in the search bar on the start page. You can use the keyword volume checker for free. To start a trial, click the respective button next to the search field. No credit card is needed.

Keyword volume checker - free trial start step

Step 2. Integrate your Google Analytics and Search Console accounts

These two integrations will give you more precise results and detailed reports on keyword ranking and your website’s stats. Once you’re done, our tool can instantly offer you query suggestions so that you’ll know what to implement on your site later on.

GA and GSC integration for keyword volume checker

Step 3. Adjust basic settings

To make reports more accurate and efficient, add the initial information:

  • Desired search engine
  • Domain
  • Language
  • Device
Keyword ranking setting for volume check

Step 4. Add relevant keywords

You can manually insert the keywords you want to check or copy them from the Search Console or any spreadsheet if you don’t have the tool. You’ll be able to see their volume and rankings right away.

Suggestion for keywords in account settings
Add keywords from your GSC

Also, if you don’t have a Search Console, you can get the competitor’s keywords, parse keywords from SERP or add them manually. We’ll help you get the data on the desired queries.

Find competitors keywords

Step 5. Track your keywords!

Chosen keywords data crawling

Once you’ve added all the necessary keywords, you’ll receive detailed reports based on the key data:

  • Volume (based on the average times of keyword searched for the last 12-month in the chosen region and search system)
  • Position
  • SERP
  • Trend tracker
  • Featured snippets
Volume data and other tracking keyword data

You should understand that after the first keyword parsing you will get the starting data, and the information will be recrawling and collected daily. That gives the possibility to create the graphics and trend charts that you will be able to use. So strongly recommend you come back to the rank tracker every day to check the changes and use the date ranges functionality to build charts.

Charts in keyword tracking

Thanks to our search volume calculator, you’ll be able to improve the decision-making process regarding your SEO strategy. Using our tool is an efficient, fast, and convenient way to get everything you need to know about your website’s keyword rank and how to increase its value.

Also, we have a video guide on how to set up the keywords and use the functionality to work with data.

The Key Features of Keyword Search Volume Checker

Our tool may seem quite minimalistic. However, it contains a variety of functions you’ll be using all the time to keep track of your SEO metrics, improve your online marketing strategy, and generate more ideas for bringing your website to the top ranks.

Here’s a quick recap of what Keyword Search Volume Checker is capable of:

  • Keyword rank tracker — this feature allows you to get regular updates on any changes in the queries statistic. This way, you’ll know whether you need to use particular queries more or less often to keep up with the right website ranks;
  • Customizable search — our tool works with various locations (e.g., United States), runs a keyword ranking analysis on different devices (desktop or mobile), and shows data based on a chosen language. This allows you to get more precise insights and implement the most relevant queries on your website;
  • Comprehensive, detailed reports — you’ll not just get information on your website’s keyword rankings but also plenty of other information: e.g., SERP features, trends, volume, etc.
  • GA / GSC integrations — to facilitate importing keywords into the Checker in bulk, you can easily integrate your Google Analytics or Search Console data. This will allow you to quickly get stats on the queries you’re currently using and track their performance in real-time.
In SEO, search volume refers to the number of inquiries for a particular term in search engines like Bing or Google per day, month, or year. Search volume can vary from time to time and depend on the query actuality, seasonal, thematic, or regional factors.
A high search volume means users are interested in a specific topic and use the search engine to find more related information using particular keywords. Creating content using the high search volume keywords will bring your articles or posts higher in Google or other search engines and increase your brand awareness, as well as your website's SERPs ranking.
If you want to determine high search volume keywords, search for the topic you're going to write about. You'll get a rated list of relevant queries you can use to increase the search volume for your future piece of content.
In Google Search Console, you may get data regarding the impressions on keywords integrated into your site. Impressions show how often any URL from your website was viewed by organic users in the search results, i.e., excluding the paid Google Ads appearances. To view insights on your website's impressions, go to the Search Console, click on Search Results, and then Queries.
If you've connected your website to Google Analytics, you can receive more precise keyword search data via the Search Console. To connect to a Search Console, go to GA, and select Acquisition. There, find the Search Console and connect it to your Google Analytics account. If you already have one, go to Queries and request the keyword information, including Impressions.
To run good, efficient keyword research, you can use plenty of services. For example, you can try Google Keywords Planner. It has a free version, but if you want more detailed and precise results, you should get a paid account. Alternatively, there are professional platforms like Semrush or Ahrefs. There, you'll be able to do your research and get expert tips and guides on implementing queries to beat your competition in the most efficient way.

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