How to fix the issue when HTTP page has internal links to HTTPS

How to fix the issue when HTTP page has internal links to HTTPS
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HTTP page has internal links to HTTPS issue means that Hypertext Transfer Protocol pages linking to Hypertext Transfer Protocol Seccure pages on your wsite.

The importance of the issue

Search engines make all efforts to ensure website security, so the application of the HTTPS protocol is currently highly preferable, though not required. The application of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is considered to be a good practice and a criteria of the wsite’s positive ranking.

When the HTTP protocol is applied, Chrome browser that is preferred by 61% of the Internet users, according to w3counter, sends an insecurity notification able to affect the user’s impression about your website, as well as its conversion and search positioning.

How to check the issue

Using any browser is enough to check the issue. Open the source code of the flawed page. To do this, click the right mouse button at any spot of the page and choose “browse the code” option, or apply an online tool

Find the links using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure protocol in the page’s code.

HTTP pages having internal links to HTTPS analysis is not enough to optimize your site for search engines!

Make a full audit to find out and fix your technical SEO in order to improve your SERP results.

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How to fix this issue

You should strive to switch your entire website to using the https protocol. Follow this migration guideline

Check Your Website for SEO Errors

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